Mental Health Support

Teenage girl with anxiety hiding under blanket

Our region Crisis/PBIS/MTSS Counselor, Holly Todd, provides support to region LEAs in promoting positive behavior interventions and support through utilizing a multi-tiered support system (MTSS). She will also assist region LEAs in preventing, during, and after a crisis by assisting LEA staff and coordinating a response plan. Holly assists region LEAs in the development, implementation and maintenance of an LEA’s mental health team to meet the individual and diverse needs of all students. She also provides student, staff, and parent training on a variety of mental health topics impacting our students and schools.

Holly can provide specific training in:

Hidden In Plain Sight Webinar Series 4th Monday (except Dec.) 3:00-3:30
DateTopicLive LinkRecorded LinkRe-licensure Survey
Aug. 26, 2024IntroductionNo Live version Youtube LinkALL Hidden in Plain Sight Relicensure hours will be awarded in Midas on May 30, 2025.

Sept. 23, 2024Vaping 101Zoom Link Youtube Link
Oct. 28, 2024What are they carrying in that thing?  (stash compartments and diversion safes) Youtube Link
Nov. 25, 2024The Convenience of Convenience Stores Youtube Link
Jan. 27, 2025Let’s talk about sex (pornography, sexting, and sextortion) Youtube Link
Feb. 24, 2025What’s the big deal?  Everyone is on social media. 
Mar. 24, 2025But it’s legal? (over-the-counter and other unregulated substances) 
Apr. 28, 2025Isn’t a calculator app just a calculator? (Hidden apps) 

(435) 654-1921 x7

    Contact Holly Todd