Master’s Degree at SUU

Great opportunity offered at Southern Utah University!!!

Have you earned an Endorsement from the USBE? Have you thought about earning a Master’s degree?  Did you know that with that earned endorsement, you may be well on your way to a Master’s of Education at Southern Utah University?

SUU’s Graduate Studies in Education Department supports your efforts to help students develop the knowledge and skills needed in today’s world. If you have earned one of the USBE endorsements, we can review your official transcripts to determine how many (up to twelve) credits you can use towards your elective courses in your SUU Masters of Education degree. In order for these courses to qualify, you must provide a copy of your Utah Teaching License with the endorsement earned.

Please contact Tamara Lovell, Program Specialist, at 435/865-8759 or, to review your transcripts and determine how many M.Ed. elective credits you may have already earned by completing the endorsement!, At the same time, you can begin the admissions process for SUU’s Graduate Studies in Education. 

Steps to Follow

Step 1 Enroll in or complete a USBE endorsement (if you need more information about SUU’s Endorsement process, please contact Dr. Leilani Nautu at 435/865-8081 or

Step 2 Contact Tamara Lovell, Program Specialist, to get more information or to have her review your transcripts at 435/865-8759 or

Step 3 Apply to the university at the following website (click on “Graduate” and then click on “Education”).