Please contact Dawn Roberts, NUES Media Specialist, if you have any questions or need assistance. Phone: 435-654-1921 x6 or email: . Regular work days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
- Training for: Media Specialists, Library Staff, Specialists, Teachers, et al.
- Training on: Sora, e-Media, Utah’s Online School Library.
- Training Options: Individual Library Staff, Building Staff Meeting or PD, Unobtrusive Staff-Room Lunchtime Source
- Out of the Box ideas: Library Guest for a Day, Special School Events (day or evening), Parent Conference Table
- Utah’s Online School Library Training – We have new Library/Research Options: Teaching Books! and to add to Sora – “Utah K-12 Curriculum Library” !
- Library Aide / Volunteer: If you don’t get enough student or parent volunteers, please invite me to help shelve books or work on a project.
- *NUES Educational Kits Resource Booklet ’24-’25
- *NUES Sora Introduction Handout
- *NUES Sora Digital Library Resource Booklet ’24-’25
- NUES eBook Library Content Reconsideration Form
- Sora Help
- Sora Resources for K-12 School Educators
- Library-Book-Challenge-Statement: The executive boards of UEA, UELMA, ULA, ULMS
Utah’s Online Library is a virtual library designed for Utah K-12 students and teachers.
UEN’s eMedia is a digital library of educational resources created specifically for Utah learners

Dawn Roberts
Media Specialist
(435) 654-1921 x6