Mission and Guiding Principles


Northeastern Utah Educational Services Mission Statement

At NUES, we empower every rural school we serve by:

  • Building capacity
  • Creating conditions for growth
  • Providing equitable opportunities
  • Supporting access to services and resources

so that each student and adult can reach their greatest potential.

Guiding Principles:

To realize our mission and vision, NUES adheres to 4 guiding principles:

  1. We build capacity by developing systems that empower a community to support the needs and growth of the staff and students.
  2. We create conditions for growth by observing trends and research in our industries’ standards and structuring the time needed to learn and implement so that we can serve and provide cutting-edge professional opportunities for our region.
  3. We provide equitable opportunities, where diverse talents and perspectives are embraced and valued, by ensuring that everyone has the resources and support they need to succeed.
  4. We support access to services and resources for students, parents, teachers, and administrators in order to enhance public education across our region.